Professional Experience For Your Land Service Needs
TBPELS Firm Number 10099900
Since 1977, Peiser & Mankin Surveying, LLC has the equipment, the experience and the trained personnel necessary to provide professional surveying, as well as "on time" and "on target" for all your land service needs. We proudly service the entire Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex and surrounding areas.
Topography Surveys
This survey includes two levels of information consisting of the planimetric detail or the physical features on the site and the relief or the elevations of the site. The planimetric detail is usually represented by a scaled drawing illustrating the actual outline of the feature and the relief is usually illustrated by contour lines.
- Land Title Surveys
A title survey is a survey of real property to be used by a title insuring agency for purposes of insuring title to said real property. Title surveys are typically required for real estate transactions. Title surveys typically include a boundary, improvements, easements, and conforms to strict requirements of a particular land title insuring agency.
- As-built Surveys
As-built surveys are needed to record variations from original engineering plans to what is actually built. As-built surveys are required by many agencies to prove the location of a structure at a point in time.
American Land Title Association / American Congress. This is a survey used for conveyances and contains boundary information and usually a level of topographic information. The Minimum Detail Standards promulgated by ALTA/NSPS are the national standards used for conveyance surveys and are required by most lending institutions for commercial transactions.
- Form/Title Surveys
This type of boundary survey generally determines land boundaries and existing building and improvement locations. These surveys are required by title companies and lending institutions when they provide financing. It shows that there are no structures encroaching on the property and that the position of structures is generally within zoning and building code requirements.
- Platting Services
Platting services are generally needed when someone is changing the legal description of a tract of land by splitting or dividing the land into a different configuration or when combining existing lots to make a larger lot for the purpose of building development.
- Legal Descriptions
A legal description is written information describing property. The legal description may be for defining property ownership or the location of an easement. Some are very basic and can be written with one sentence. Others are extremely complicated and take several pages to complete.
- Elevation Certificates
The Elevation Certificate provides information for insurance companies, lenders and community flood control administrators. This information is required to estimate the risks for flooding. Elevation Certificates are required by the National Flood Program which is administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
- Construction Staking
Construction surveying is the translation of a contractor's set of construction plans into a physical representation on the project site. It not only includes surveyors locating and setting physical markers, usually a lathe, pin, or survey stake in a horizontal position, but also communication to the contractor as to the actual elevation and the required cut or fill necessary to obtain the design elevation.